Find your why is something all of us who have been involved in the home business industry for any time at all have heard before, but what a lot of people fail to take into account is what that why should be about. 

The truth is human beings at the root of who we are could really care less about money. Sure it is nice in that it can buy you things and provide you with the freedom to do what you want when you want, but money by itself is never enough of a driving force. Think about all the people out there who want money, yet never seem to find the drive and determination to get out there and earn it.

If you want to be successful in anything, you why has to be about more than money and this is where most people go wrong. When most people think about why it is they must be successful and why failure is not an option, they usually think about having the bigger house or driving the nicer car. This is something that can come as a result of developing the right kind of why, but it is usually not a good enough why to make it happen.

When you think about your why, think about what you are passionate about and how you can use that talent or ability to make the world around you a better place. Think about other people and make helping other people your driving force. Human beings are driven by legacy. We want to know that we made a difference. 

Think about the different kinds of people who are passionate about what they do. Many times they don't make any money at all and that passion drives them to continue doing whatever it is they are doing that they feel is influencing the world around them. 

If you make your why - in other words why you must be successful in your network marketing business and why failure is not an option - about other people and the reason for succeeding in your MLM business about having the freedom to pursue your talents and abilities, you will end up with a whole lot of satisfaction and a whole lot more money.

Chris Curtis - Network Marketing Professional 
SEO Expert - Internet Marketer

Check out my network marketing blog!

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