Full stomach graphicObesity and overweight conditions are extremely serious Health problems; epidemics for that matter; more serious than some governments and individuals believe.
Here are some facts::
The WHO (World Health Organization) estimates that In 2010, there were some 43-million children under the age of 5 overweight. At an earlier time these conditions were considered to be problems faced mainly by the more advanced and wealthy countries. Nevertheless, overweight and obesity conditions are on the rise in low and middle income countries as well; particularly in urban areas. 

Overweight is described as follows: When Body Mass Index equals or exceeds 25 BMI-s; and Obese when Bmi equals or exceeds 30.
Body Mass Index is a formula that uses body weight and height to calculate body fat and fitness.. Wanna Check your Bmi..or see a Chart of your Bmi? Go here>>>>>>>>>>>>
By maintaining healthy body weight, crippling disorders such as osteoarthritis, arthritis, spinal conditions such as stinosis, herniated and compressed disk and other health problems can be prevented or at least minimize. 

There are numerous benefits to be gained by maintaining a healthy body weight: Including a sense of accomplishment, a greater sense of well being, more energy, confidence, graceful aging and possibly a longer lifespan; to name a few.
During the past thirteen months, I have been assisting and caring for my older brother (only 63 years young) who has been wheel-chair bound due to spinal problems (Stinosis, and compressed disk). Exactly the kind of problems cause by excessive body weight. These conditions can be rather painful and costly as well. I encourage everyone to take better care your body, your weight and health.You will painfully miss it (your good health) when its gone. Like the saying goes:"You never miss the water till the well runs dry". There's much more to be gained by adding exercise to a weigh loss program than relying on diet alone or other weight loss supplements. 
I've done extensive research on various weight loss products hoping to find one that I felt would truly help my brother and I with our weight concern. The one I settled on is called Skinny Body Fiber with the main ingredients being:Glucomannan, Cararlluma fimbriata and Cha de Bugre; all effective weight loss ingredients.
 These ingrediens (all three) are known and used for their ability to curb and suppress appetite; crating a full feeling and signaling to the brain to stop eating .. No more eating.. go for a walk or whatever (~/\~)
Learn more Here>>>>

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