I believe I have to re-visit Squidoo as a free lead generating source as well as

Hubpages, I used to have problems with Hubpages because they kept rejecting my

posts and the problem was that I don't think I was putting enough original content

in there. Now that I've become a better writer I'll spend some time today on both

Squidoo and Hubpages.


In this game you must learn how to correctly target your prospects or you're just

spinning your wheels and these free resources are just what the Doctor ordered if

you're on a limited Marketing budget. One of my motto's is that when things are

tight, it forces you to become creative. I try to focus on what I'm NOT doing as

opposed to getting frustrated by not getting results.


When you use places like Squidoo and Hubpages you get people that don't just ACT

interested in your product or services but people who are actually looking for your

services. Trust me, there are people out there searching for what you have to offer

and the trick is to hang out where they do.


I like Squidoo because you can create as many webpages/Lens as you want and its a

great way to generate free traffic and did I mention that Google loves Squidoo?

What better way to show up on Google's search engine. Squidoo has a page rank 7 so

the Google Spiders are all over it. Remember Google's motto, Google doesn't love

you until everyone else does.


In closing I would like to say that we should as Network Marketers take advantage

of all the free tools available to us, especially powerful tools like these. Take

nothing for granted in this game because everything counts and you want to stay

relevant on these powerful sites so you can show up in the results.


Don't forget or discount offline Marketing either, order your business cards from

Vista Print and order some company brochures if available and always keep them

handy for when you're out and about, that way you have a balanced marketing scheme,


remember, the Sun doesn't rise and set online, you have to be willing to get

belly to belly while you're out and about. I learned that when I was a Buzz agent a

few years ago.


Writing this post made me thirsty, I think I'll go and drink some Multipure clean,

fresh water.



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