Strategy online for Marketers!

I was just researching the sens of Google Panda algorithm. I found Optimization to Reduce Bounce Rate. Manipulating your bounce rate may be effective but you are risking a penalty if Google analyzed.These optimization tips will help keep visitors on your site longer.Provide quality content:this is the whole reason that Google is concerned with bounce rate in the first place. Make your content attractive:when using Wordpress with free themes available;format your posts attractively.Your site need load quickly,use the right language to your audience with every niches around specific phrases and have clear navigation. Don’t buy traffic, your bounce rate will be useless despite the claims of traffic vendors, this traffic is almost never sufficiently targeted. An attention picture can be a good way to draw a visitor into your page and keep them from hitting the back button too. Adding video to your site is a great way  on your site but avoid autoplay; many visitors will hit the back button. Keep in mind  good headlines in internet marketing are one of your most powerful weapons.Google likes sites contain related content, and  most likely to keep your visitors. Surveys, polls, contest, etc. are another way to draw more pages by visitors. Avoid annoying popup but put the good stuff at the top on any sites.

If you want to know more about Google Panda go here

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