It’s a proven fact that exercise and diet at the same time will make you lose weight very fast. Burning calories by exercising and reduce calorie by using a diet system will help you reach your goals, control and sustain excess fat. Losing weight is challenging, that is why it is important to stick to your healthy eating plan and exercise routine . There are many diets systems in the market today and one of the most liked ones are the low carbohydrates diets.

So what does low carbohydrates diet mean?

It means eating food that is low in carbohydrates. These diets will enable you to lose a substantial amount of fat and lose weight.  Coupling your healthy eating plan with an exercise routine will avoid the fat from slipping back.  The exercise routine does not have to be very rigorous only just enough to keep you in very good shape.  Physical exercise regime is very good with dieting to ensure success.  If it’s possible you should try to continue to exercise even after you finish your weight loss plan.

 Helpful weight lost tips.

 Speed up metabolism by eating fiber rich foods helps burn fat and to lose weight.  Thirty (30) minutes  per day of running with an empty stomach will also help you lose weight quickly.

 Strength training

Strength training increases cardiovascular fitness, strengthens and bones joints, builds muscle, improves flexibility and increase metabolic rate, which helps lose weight.

Eat Healthy  


Protein helps to build and repair muscle tissues. Common protein rich foods are: beef, poultry, fish, peanuts, dairy product etc.  High protein diets are popular ways to lose weight because protein satisfies hunger better than fats or carbohydrates.

Fruits and Vegetables

Fill your stomach, low in calories but high in fiber, water, vitamins & minerals. Eat veggies & fruits with each meal: spinach, broccoli, kale, asparagus, apples, oranges, etc.


Your body requires carbohydrates just as much as water, protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals. Carbohydrates are a must to staying healthy when dieting or exercising to lose weight. Sources of carbohydrates are: fruits, vegetables whole grains cereals or whole grains breads.

 Food consumption

Eating every 2 to 3 hours boost your body metabolism by sending a message to your body, that you are giving it energy and it is not required to store calories as fat. This is why it is not wise to skip meals because your body will only store the food you eat as fat while it waits for you to eat again, the trick is to permit your body to make use of the extra calories to burn off the calories coming in. Eating frequently will help in food absorption and digression and keeps your energy high throughout the day.

Doing Cardio

Doing cardiovascular or aerobic activities 3 to 4 times a week will keep you active and healthy. Swimming, running, walking, jump rope, and any kind of sports are very effective fat burning aerobic or cardiovascular workouts.

Wanting to lose weight but not knowing how to do it can be very frustrating. From experience I can tell you losing weight is not easy, nevertheless it is achievable, but it’s up to you to find the right methods and be willing to make the changes necessary. Good luck!!!

Click here more weight loss tips

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