It has been told many times, it is important to share on social media.

Many people do but many people share only their own stuff.

Why do they only share their own stuff?

Because they think that sharing content of others does not help their business or branding.



Of course it depends on what you share. If you share useful tips and blogs that can help people in some way, and you do that on a regular basis, this can help to brand you and therefore help your business:


  • When i.e. you tweet or re tweet quality content this will get noticed (be patient). This will result in people spontaneously following you.
  • The people that see that you shared their content will like that and feel good. What better first impression can you make than make people feel good? They will view your profile, maybe connect and return the favor. Now this is very powerful! When other people recommend your service/product/content it has more impact that when you recommend it yourself.

When you share content on social media sites you are also promoting that social media site. This will help these social media sites to grow. All members from that social media site, including you, benefit from that. Should you share everything to become popular? Definitely not, you are not doing a favor to yourself nor the network if you share bad stuff. I wrote about that in article "The Danger of Sharing"

How big your personal exposure and influence on social media is, depends on your personal efforts. Building connections and being active in a positive way by posting quality content are important. There are many articles about these subjects on APSense and groups like Marketing Advice also provide good training and feedback.. The other thing important is to lead by giving a good example. 

When above makes sense to you APSense is good place to start.

However you can apply above tips on any site that has sharing options. There are plenty share options here on APSense beside the default options; to mention a few the brand pages and Pinopps. Use them!

In te course of time I have seen several requests on APSense to write a review on Alexa. Or to promote or share a new feature? Not many follow up on these requests. I hope that after reading the above you do now understand that by following up these requests you are also promoting YOU!

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