Why do some people choose to use drugs when they’re so bad for you?  The causes of drug addiction are as varied as the amount of drugs that are available for use – both legally and illegally.  There is no one cause for drug addiction just like there is no consistent profile of a drug user.

People who have a history of drug use or abuse in their families are at risk for drug addiction problems.  It has been proven that children of alcoholics will exhibit addictive tendencies.  Children of alcoholics or drug users generally have low self-esteem and see their parents escaping from problems using drugs.  When they see this, their minds say that this is the way to act and they themselves become users.

There is also a biological basis for causing drug addiction.  Drugs alter the brain’s chemicals and the way the brain functions.  Drug addiction creates dependence in the brain by changing the brain’s reward functions – the part that reinforces certain behaviors.

Prescription drug addiction is caused by the person’s inability to function without the drug in their system.  People become addicted to prescription drugs because they usually are taking them to overcome some type of pain.  They begin to feel that if they are not taking their pills, the pain will return.

Some people are more prone to addiction than others.  People who have low self-esteem, are often depressed, and who feel they have no control over their lives will often turn to drugs as a way to cope.  They often feel they can’t please the people around them so they have to change themselves in order to fit in.  The change is made easier by using drugs because the drugs transform them into someone and something that they are not.

Stress is often attributed as a cause of drug addiction.  Life can be very stressful no matter who you are.  Some of us are better able to cope with stress than others.  Others still just look for an easy way to forget their stress – and that easy way is through drugs.  Once the drug use starts, it’s often difficult to get away from it because the stresses will still be there once the high is gone, so the user feels he or she needs more drugs to cope.  That type of cycle leads to addiction.

Finally, drugs are easily accessible.  They are available in many places if you just ask around for them.  Because of that easy access, it’s more likely that a person will begin using eventually becoming addicted.

The causes of drug addiction are wide and varied.  The key to stopping drug addiction is to get rid of those causes before they become a problem. 

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