Nowadays one can find many programs offering residential treatment for eating disorder. These are often similar to the residential treatment for addiction. Addiction and eating disorders have many similarities between them. Since this is unhealthy, they require addiction and eating disorder counseling. The human brain basically has individual reward centers. These are activated when a person is cared for and feels well. Also, if the person takes care of the body or receives praise, the centers are rewarded. However, these reward centers can also be stimulated by artificial methods. Drugs, alcohol, and excessive food all stimulate the centers. Apart from this, they block out unpleasant feelings.

Reasons For Addiction And Eating Disorders

The main reason why people use prohibited or allowed drugs and excessive eating is to block out unbearable feelings. In a natural manner, one would get the reward by doing something good. This could be an exercise, or program to lead a productive life.

However, many fall into the trap of addictions and eating disorders to manage their emotions. It is actually a shortcut to unreal happiness. That should actually be derived from doing constructive things. This becomes an inaccurate use and inappropriate use of the reward centers in our brain. It is commonly seen that addictions and eating disorders are popular with people who have the personality requiring a lot of reward and praise. In such cases, addiction and eating disorder counseling is required for them to get well.

Different Types Of Addiction And Eating Disorders

Several Types Of Addictions And Disorders Are Prominent Among Sufferers.

*Alcoholism And Drug Abuse
*Eating Disorders Like Anorexia And Bulimia
*Extreme Exercise
*Compulsive Gambling
*Self-Injury - Interestingly enough in some cases tormenting the body can also stimulate the reward centers. This is done to protect the body from the pain afflicted onto it.

Effective Addiction And Eating Disorders Counseling

Since there is a similarity between addictions and eating disorders, most of the techniques utilized for treatment for addictions are also mapped onto the treatment for eating disorders. The basic objective underlining addiction and eating disorder counseling is to assist a person to lead a normal life. This is done by teaching the proper way to stimulate the reward center in the brain. There is residential treatment for alcoholic addictions and eating disorders to facilitate the lifestyle of a person suffering. A basic program covering addiction and eating disorder counseling includes an intensive treatment program for 30, 60, or 90 days depending on the level of suffering. A long-term transitional care program follows this. It is initiated with a comprehensive assessment to evaluate the person. The evaluation covers different aspects.

*Behavior addiction
*Chemical dependency
*Mental health assessment
*Family issues and functionality
*Scope of social relationships
*Physical health and fitness assessments
*Nutritional counsel
*Relapse prevention strategies
*Family reintegration skills
*Coaching for life purpose and career
*Recovery management

These aspects cover a comprehensive addiction and eating disorder counseling program.

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