On APSense people get points for liking a post, but is this enough for a constructive relationship? 

How about making it possible to select from a few special comments which indicate why they liked it, if they want a follow-up, have questions or are quite interested ... 

The system should be a bit smarter and act in a more constructive way to help users link up with each other based on their interests, products and services.

I am sure, if things were more interactive, it would make APSense even more popular and bring greater success to it's users ... 

Post your comments indicating if you'd like to support an on-going  development project with special user involvement - ok?  

Another issue has to do with all the groups which exist here on APSense. 

How many of these groups are actually active with what kinds of activities, discussions or information? Does anyone know anything about these groups? How about having some over-view mechanism in place to provide more insight into these groups

What would be your suggestion to make these groups better known, more transparent and useful to the users? 

Do you have other ideas or suggestions for making APSense better for all the users?

Feel free to make a contribution to this topic .... 

Franto in Toronto

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