Yes The Godfather of Soul, James Brown and Scammers do share common Ground believe it or not.  On Of James Brown's many nicknames is "the hardest working man in show business" And that is what they have in common.

Look at all the scams that are out there.  Look deeper and you will see that the same people are creating and promoting scams again and again.

What is the one thing that all these scams have in common? They usually are telling you how much money you can make for doing nothing.  According to these scams you will make money while you eat, sleep and sit on the toilet.  So if it is that easy, why are they working to sell you on it.  That's right I said WORKING!

So while they are selling (And you are buying) a big pile of what is usually floating in the toilet, they are sitting back getting fat and happy telling you not to do the very thing that they are doing-working.

James Brown may have been the 'hardest working man in show business', but the scammers are the hardest working men (And women) on the internet!

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