A person, who visits your website and leaves, will most likely not return. Especially if the visitor don't get a compelling reason to do so. We all behave rather impulsive online, so impulsive that we easily forget where we were some web pages ago. The bottom line is that this visitor probably never comes back to your website again. Let us say 1.000 people visit your website, and leave for good, and they will most likely not come back again. Then it is easy to imagine the amount of potential revenue you lose, just for the fact that they never come back. Just a fraction of those visitors could have converted into customers.

Lots of people say that if you are creating unique content for your website, visitors will come back. This is not always the only solution to the problem. Before your visitors do leave your website, you should try to convince the person to subscribe to your mailing list by using a simple opt-in form. Then you may have a long-term solution, and you are quite a bit closer to have solved the problem.

Before your visitor leaves your website, you want to convert him or her to subscribe via a simple opt-in to your mailing list. You do this by asking for your visitor`s name and email address through your opt-in form. If your visitor put his or her name and e-mail address in the opt-in form, you still can follow them up via e-mail.

You can get your subscriber to consider your offer, or endorse another offer to him or her. After all, we want as many as possible of the visitors into subscribers and obtain the potential revenue we rightfully deserve. This is an easy, wise way to get potential customers.

useful links :

Listwire the best free autoresponder

Aweber the best paid autoresponder

Getresponse another great paid autoresponder

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