People are starting to ask me what is this Talk Face to Face thing that now appears on the right side of my blog.  It’s got to be one of the coolest online marketing tools I’ve seen in a long time.  What is Talk Face to Face?

Talk Face To Face is the last tool you will ever need to humanize your web site, allowing you to broadcast live video on your web site. Talk Face To Face allows you and your web site visitors to communicate using video, audio and text chat; increasing your chances of securing sales, building relationships or whatever it is your web site is designed to accomplish.

It is fully loaded with such features as Operator List, Buddy List, Associates List, Private Messaging, File Transfer and many other goodies.  This means that I can add buddies to my Talk Face to Face member’s area and when my buddies are online, we can communicate immediately via video chat or text chat.  This works really well when we have new ideas of the MyTeamBuilderPro system!  I can add operators to my account so that I can have a multi-person live support desk, and for those that don’t want to video chat, there’s also a text chat with Talk Face to Face that is great for large meetings where you need real time video and the ability to conduct PowerPoint presentations.

So, the next question I get is usually people asking how to use Talk Face to Face and how it can help them grow their business.  Well, there’s so much you can do with this cool software!  As you can see, I’ve added a Talk Face to Face widget to the right of my blog.  So, when people visit my blog, they can chat with me real-time!  And it’s soooo easy to add this to any website.  Talk Face To Face gives you the code and you just copy and paste it into your site and it’s there … and you can be broadcasting live in a matter of minutes.

Another way that Internet marketers can use Talk Face to Face in their promotions is by creating a splash page and putting your live video stream on the splash page.  You send your ads to your online advertising resources and when people click the ad they can be sent to your special splash page and they’ll see you talking and can join in on the conversation if they like.  If they have questions, you can answer them.  If they need information, you can help them.

Yes, you can place a small snippet of code on any web site you have ftp access to allowing you to offer personal face-to-face communication to your visitors.   This is the cool part… they do not limit the number of sites you can add Talk Face To Face to.  So if you own 15 sites, you can add your snippet of code to all of them at no extra fee.

There are so many ways you can use Talk Face To Face to help you build your business.  For example, if you own an advertising resource or your own membership site, you can add your Talk Face to Face code inside the member’s area and on the OTO pages!  Imagine how much better your conversion rates could be with this technology!

At the time I wrote this post, Talk Face to Face had developed a Facebook App.  However, Facebook decided to change it’s rules regarding the ability to add apps to a user’s profile page just as they had completed the app.  So, not it’s necessary for the developers to go back to the drawing board and make edits.  They promise to release the app as soon as they can.   Personally, I cannot wait for the release date of the Talk Face to Face Facebook app!

Please feel free to leave comments about what you think about this new technology and how you think it could help you build your business.  And, for a limited time they are offering a free trial so you can check it out and see for yourself!  Click here to see if the free trial is still available.

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