Cpanel redirects is a cheap and easy way to create cloaked affiliate links. To get started, you will of course need a cPanel account, which you should get automatically when you obtain web hosting from most providers.

In your cPanel account, just click on Redirects.


Then, create your cloaked affiliate link like the example below.


cPanel redirects should be “301 Permanent” redirects, and you should always choose “Redirect with or without www”. You can use this method with just about any type of affiliate link.

However, until cloaking your affiliate links with LinkTrackr, you will not be able to view your click stats, use campaigns, or tracks conversions.

Want to Make More Money with Less Effort?

LinkTrackr is an awesome web marketing system that you can use to track and maximize your affiliate marketing campaigns. Create your account right now to start using LinkTrackr in the next five minutes. Here's what you can do when you create your account:

  • Cloak and mask your affiliate links to protect commissions
  • Track your affiliate sales accurately to maximize your payout
  • Analyze click data from your banner ads & media campaigns
  • Split test your landing pages for better performance
  • Track multiple sales, leads and optin conversions
  • Convert keywords on your WordPress blog into links
Free Affiliate Marketing Tips
Free Affiliate Marketing Tips

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