Using the 80/20 Rule To Free Your Time and Get More Done

?We always have time enough, if we will but use it aright.?
- Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Are you familiar with the 80/20 Rule? If not - get familiar.

80% of people (ironically) completely overlook this life changing concept when managing their time and prioritizing (if they manage or priortize at all)

What is the 80/20 Rule?

The 80/20 Rule (also known as the ?Pareto Principle? after its founder) is a concept that states that 20% of the input creates 80% of the output, and the other 80% of the input creates 20% of the output.

20% of the people in a given economy make 80% of the money.

20% of the customers make up for 80% of the revenue.

20% of the sales people create 80% of the sales.

How Does This Apply To Your Life?

For 80% of people its nearly imossible to get everything done that needs to get done in the time available, especially for anyone with significant goals and aspirations.

The 80/20 Rule applies directly to how you manage your time? 20% of your activity will produce 80% of your results.

What does that mean? That means that if you have a to do list of 10 things? there are probably 1 or 2 of those things that matter more than the other 8 or so put together.

Most folks do the little things first and put off those 1 or 2 important things until ? sometimes never.

You could liken people to chickens with their heads cut off, running here there and everywere, but never really getting much done, moving forward, or feeling satisfied with their accomplishments.

Avoid The Temptation To Clear Up Small Things First

Remember that your daily activities are largely habitual ? that means that what you do today is largely the result of behavioral patterns that you have created over the years. If you frequently do small things first and get the easy things out of the way before getting to the big important tasks, you will maintain this pattern ? and ultimately you will not get much done.

However, if you choose to deliberately break this pattern, you can form a new one: work on big things first! If you can get yourself to consistently accomplish the important (not just urgent) things on your list first, you will ultimately develop the habitual pattern of doing big things first. You will start to move forward. You will feel fulfilled with your accomplishments. You will set greater goals for yourself, knowing you can accomplish them.

Activity For Today

Make your ?action list? for today? List your key goals, activities, projects, and responsibilities today.

Decide which 20% of these tasks you feel could represent about 80% of your results for the day. Underline these tasks.

Resolve to do these tasks first, even if that is all you accomplish all day today. Do this again tomorrow, and the next day.

For even better results, make your list and choose your activities for the next day the night before. Make a habit of this. You will be surprised how much more you are getting done, in less time, and how much more freedom you begin to experience in your life.

Remember, the goal of activity is to be productive, not just busy. Get things done, so that you can use your time and energy on more significant values.

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