One thing that is guaranteed in business is that nothing is guaranteed no matter what the weasels would have you believe. You may read copy that guarantees you make whatever but upon reading the fine print you'll read a completely different story. If you see the words guaranteed income or guaranteed whatever, red flags should go up all over the place in your mind. Tattoo in your mind that nothing is guaranteed in business EVER under any circumstances. There is no pie in the sky way to make it in this game, If you think so please put your wallet back in your pocket because you'll be in for a rude awakening. You have to put your work in just like the rest of us, the only thing I can guarantee you is hard work and long hours. You have to do your homework before you jump into this game because you'd better believe the weasels are working tirelessly figuring out ways to seperate you from your money. I'm not trying to scare you or use fear tactics on you, we spoke about the fear and greed theory in my previous post.


I'm just trying to make you aware that there is a dark side to this industry and that dark side is full of weasels, Wolves, Sharks and all sorts of seedy characters, its a fact of life that those of us in the know have either dealt with personally or know of people who have been victimized by these people and I use the word PEOPLE loosly because these folks have no soul. No reputable company is going to guarantee you anything, what they can't guarantee is what some of their people will write. I was involved in a wonder juice company and before you knew it reps were posting everywhere that this wonder juice cured everything from Cancer to Dandruff, before you knew it the FDA got wind of it and the company had a serious talk with the FDA and we got an e-mail from corporate ordering us to tone down our claims about this wonder juice that could only be found in the Rain Forest of South America from one particular tree that had the natives living to be 120 years old and still having sex, it was a virtual Viagra juice now.


You'll want to investigate what proof these businesses have to back up their claims, check refund policies, if you have to buy anything up front, is there an auto-ship involved, does the company have a physical street address or a P.O. box, in fact just delete all that crap spam in your inbox don't even entertain it. If you click on it and go to the site there's no telling what will be placed on your hard drive, cookies, viruses, tracking devices and all kinds of other mess. Remember we're going through a mental Marketing shift, we need to train our minds. Who am I you ask and why should you listen to me? I'm YOU thats who I am, I've already lost all the money, time and gone through all the crap for you so you don't have to. Am I the Guru By The Sea? Am I the Wise man on the mountain? Am I the Chosen one? Am I super rich typing from my beach house in Malibu? i'm just a regular working guy trying to make it in the land of the Weasels just like you.

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