I don't know if you've noticed it yet but there's a mental shift happening in the Network Marketing world, its a subtle change and you could easily miss it if you're not paying attention hence my title, Collective Ignorance Marketing, what is CIM you ask? Its a thought process that is mired in the past because it seems that most Network marketers are still under the assumption that time has stood still in the world of technology and our collective brain growth has come to a halt. Let me give you a prime example of the CIM, I've noticed that millions of Marketers will join a Home Business site with thousands of other Home Business owners and without giving it a second thought begin to try to sell their Home Businesses to people who not only are completely happy with their own businesses but never let on that they were in the market for another business. This doesn't seem to stop people from spamming the living daylights out of people who already have a business therefore taking themselves out of the Home Business equasion before they even begin. They're deemed irrevalent and silly.


The shift is leaning towards Smartphone and its applications, gone are the days of flashing banner ads and fear tactic marketing, there's far too much competition out here to fall for that. The consumer is in full control of what they buy, read and watch nowadays, they communicate with each other through blogs and Social Networking sites but that still doesn't stop the legions of these old school marketers from their medival sales tactics. You have to ask yourself one question, do you want to be a part of the New wave of Network marketing or do you want to a part of the collective ignorance marketing? Decisions, decisions. Personally I want to be a part of the New Wave, I don't believe in a learning curve I believe in vertical learning, straight up into infinity, we don't learn in curves nor do we learn horizontally, a curve bends down and the horizon goes accross the sky where vertical goes straight up. Step out of the collective and as Seth Godin put it, be the Purple Cow in a field of Black and White cows, you'll get noticed first.


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