If you do not have an account on Twitter.com open it if need traffic and reputation on the net, and if you haven't heard about ping programs go and look for...

If you already have an account on Twitter don't forget to Follow Me! But having a Twitter account is not enough if you are serious about your online biz...

What Does it Mean?

Twitter is kind of like social bookmarking site, the only difference is that you enter what you are doing, like a diary, or better like a telegraph sent to friends. Is more like a life bookmarking website; you just let the world know what you are up to.

Ping is a website that allows you to inform various BLOG and RSS Directories about your content, whether that content is your twitter page, or whether it is your weblog, website or whatever.

What Actually Happen When You Ping?

When you ping your twitter post or your blog, you are simply informing the various directories about the existence of your content and about the date when it is updated. That goes the same for any news or anything else your entering into ping program.

Now you know, but don't forget to Ping your Twitter, and anything else you have on the Internet!

Here are best free ping programs I use in order to get fast (in about 2-3 hours!!) on the first place on Google search!


To life, family and business success!

Coach Teo
Follow Me

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