What should man always strive to learn and do everyday of his life? The Bible teaches:"ley us discern for ourselves what is right; let us learn together what is good" (Job 34:4,New International Version).

        Everyday, every moment, man is faced with myriad choices in his life. Most people usually opt for what is expedient and yields immediate benefits or instant gratification. Nonetheless, the bible exhorts us to discern for ourselves what is "right" and do what is"good".




          A passionate debate will definitely ensue if people of  varying  opinions, religious beliefs, and political  persuasions will be asked what they  consider as right and good. But as the Bible is the sole arbiter on this, when is an act or idea considered good, rigth, and true? The  Psalmist declared this:?Yet you are near, O LORD, and all your commands are true ... and because I consider all your precepts rigth, I hate every wrong path" (Ps. 119:151, 128, ibid.).





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