
In my opinion the greastest mystery there ever was or ever will be.  For centuries it seems mankind has hopelessly struggled to live the life we truly desire.  From a primitive species of nearly mindless beasts to this utter madness we live in today called society.  How funny and sad it is that after all this time we in our entirety still do not possess the one thing we truely desire.  Inner happiness.....better described as peace within.

What is the real beauty in life?

Is it owning that dream mansion, having the imported car with the heated seats, dvd players and gps systems designed to protect us?  Good God Almighty how did we ever survive the days when we lived in tents and sod houses, when we worked hard, perhaps basic tasks but had to learn nessacary skills in order to survive.  We slayed beasts of the wild and harvested the fruits of nature in order to satsify our hunger.  Everything we did was a physical chore and these thing called convience and luxury were experienced by so few.

Truth be told sometimes we like to think we are pretty great for all the things we have and invent today, but how many of us take the time to realise we would have none of it without the blood, sweat and tears of the thousands upon thousands of generations before us.

Perhaps the next time you start your something special, maybe you should humble yourself immediatly, and be thankful for the gifts you have recieved due to the kindness, ingenuity, hard work and vision of others.  Any great thing thats ever been done has somehow been inspired by the action of another and has never been limited to whether that action was right or wrong.  Right actions breed right actions and wrong actions inspire us to do right.  We all have good and evil inside of us. 

There is good inside the evil and evil inside the good.

The next time you take a really good long truthful look inside yourself, will you like what you see?

If you don't will you act to change it?

We are all born with the potenial and right to be great.

It is never too late to start over.....

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