I promote the APSense Insider newsletter everywhere I can.

So far, I have used my squeeze page and text ads.

Until yesterday.

I created a banner for it. A simple one, actually. I hope it works.

To create that banner, I searched for a free picture. Here's what I found:

As you can see, it's animated. Well, I haven't learned yet to deal with animated gif files. I went forward and created my banner anyway.

I will work on it harder soon.

I placed the banner on the APSense TE, i.e. APSense Traffix.

The squeeze page and textt ads had not giveb any result.

Coincidentally, after placing the banner, I got 2 subscribers from the TE. I know because I use TE Toolbox for tracking.

Did the banner make the difference ? TE Toolbox is not that precise.

I'll keep experimenting.

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