Lets face facts, we all shop on and offline and its much more convienent to sit at home on your computer and scan your favorite stores than fighting traffic and standing in lines, you can also save gas. A lot of times you can save on shipping fees and get your products shipped for free in some cases, the shopping carts on most shopping malls online are pretty easy to navigate, your credit card information is encrypted so its difficult for your information to be stolen. I also appreciate the fact that its easy to compare prices at different stores instead of driving all over town to different stores. It may seem a little confusing at first but as with anything else after doing it a few times you become an old hand at it. Over 70% of people polled online said they would rather shop online than going through the hassle of going out to shop, People like the fact that they can shop without time limitations at online stores that are open 24hrs a day as opposed to regular store hours, the internet never closes.

You'll want to make sure you find a shopping mall or site that has good product descriptions, you don't want any vague information on a product that you'll have to go through the hassle of sending back through the mail. Its great to be able to browse through products without any time constraints or boundaries. There are also a few disadvantages attached to online shopping such as the social aspect of shopping with other people, after all we are social animals. The other problem is privacy, a lot of people don't feel comfortable giving out their personal or credit card information online because of either past experiences or the horror stories they see in the news which is understandable. The other issue seems to be that plenty of baby boomers or older adults are computer illiterate or simply don't trust computers and would rather shop the traditional way. Other issues are that some people don't feel like they'll get the item they saw online and will get sent something else,or you can't try on clothes before you buy them.

Here at our shopping mall at Elite Profit Network we understand all these issues and strive to make your online shopping experience as stress free as possible, feel free to take a look at our extensive shopping mall, click the link below and it'll take you directly to our stores.



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