There is now an affiliate page where you get codes for banners for use on your sites/blogs, traffic exchanges, anywhere you can put a banner, all you have to do is replace the expression yourclickbankid with, you guessed it, your own ClickBank ID.

The guide appeared on Jan 8, 2011 on the ClickBank Marketplace.

There are 37 affiliates at the time of this writing :  12pm Jan 10, 2011 :)

My friend Chuck Bartok, posted this comment on FaceBook.

"I love to see friends apply massive Action to their Dreams. Philippe Moisan has charged forward and written 10 articles, created several screencasts to promote one of his favorite Social Sites (and Mine) This is the first of two Guides with all the HOW TO"

I give 40 % commission for every copy of guide you sell

One last thing, VERY IMPORTANT : You are not allowed to give the guide in any circumstance. Thank you for your understanding. :)

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