We put so much time and effort into getting where we are. So sometimes its good to take some time to truly enjoy it, right here and right now.

What is the point in struggling and working hard for more, if you do take time out to enjoy what you already have? Why put your effort into getting further ahead, if you are thankful for where you already are?

Take some time to simply enjoy. No matter where you may be, there is always a way to truly enjoy the incredible blessing of life.

And the more you enjoy that blessing, the more it grows. The more you truly enjoy what you have, the more there will be to enjoy.

It makes no sense to cancel your enjoyments until some imagined time in the future when conditions will be ideal. For if you cannot find enjoyment where you are, that ideal time will never come.

Take time, on a regular basis, to truly enjoy, even if there are no reasons. For when you do, there will soon be plenty of reasons.

Toshiba Burton

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