This is my first blog here.

So,  here it goes.  

I love this community here.  I enjoy meeting people from various walks of life.

I am a people watcher.   I love watching people in the things they do.  How they enjoy life.

And,  just knowing that we are all alive and living our lives with the freedom that we have,  in a world,  where we are free to choose,  how we live,  where we live,  etc.

And,  as sad as it is it.  It is not that way in several countries.  But,  that is another subject for another time.

I would like to tell a little about me.

I am happily married to a wonderful man.   I am a Christian, first.  God is always first.

Than, a wife, and mother.   I have one daughter who will be the big 21 soon.

So, plans are in store for that occassion.   

I have been a woman who has always cared about helping others.   That is a deep desire and need for me.

I do not wish to be long winded here for my first blog.

I wish everyone a Great Day