Establishing a new facebook fanpage is really not as easy as they make it out to be. At least not to get it started. Facebook allows you to have a custom url for your fanpages (now simply referred to as "pages") but to do so your page must have at least 25 fans.

I want to thank the following APSense members for helping me get closer to that mark:

  1. Piyush Mistri
  2. Mark Wilson
  3. anand007
  4. olvia
  5. radhiyoussef
  6. Ganesh
  7. Tony Denson
  8. newchance
  9. Mary Grand
  10. Steve Chesterfield
  11. bungvanpham
  12. Ginny Williams
  13. Dave Gilbert
  14. Robert
  15. aly
  16. Colin Audie
  17. Lonnie Niver

I hope you find use for the free report I provided, The Money Is In Your Fanpage.
I am still shy a few fans so if anyone wants to help out, please visit my new fanpage by clicking here.

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