If you have an internet based business or product then obviously you need to be marketing that on the internet, but what about a standard ?Brick & Mortar? business?

 More and more people now use the internet to find what they want to buy or where they are going to eat or drink.  So, if you don?t have a web presence where are these people going to go?  That?s right, your competitors.

There has been a dramatic increase in the number of people who have ?Smart Phones?.  This means that people can now be online at anytime and anywhere.  They can be out and about, when they decide they are hungry or they have forgotten to buy something.  So they have a quick look on the Internet to find the nearest place to where they are.  Again, where are these people going to go? That?s right, your competitors.

Are you beginning to get the picture now?  The internet is here to stay and is just going to grow and grow as more people get access.  Have you thought about the fact that today?s children have never known a world where the internet did not exist.  They are used to using the internet to find things.

Okay, I can hear you saying ?But, I don?t know how to market on the internet!?.  That?s where I can help you.  Visit http://www.wealthmissionpro.com and learn how to market ANYTHING to ANYONE, ANYWHERE in the world.

Andy Pitt

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