Internet is a big venue to make money. There are a lot of ways to earn money from internet. Unfortunately internet is also safe venture for fraud people. You need to be careful while you stay online. Whether you are trying to make money or simply browsing you may be a victim. 
Following are few tips to stay safe:
  1. Never click a link in an email from an unknown person or in an suspected email. A phishing email may come even from your best friend if his computer is infected with virus.
  2. Avoid monetary transaction with unknown people. Use escrow services, if required.
  3. Search on google with the email address, phone number, name and/or website address to see if there is any complain before you deal with anyone.
  4. Do not use the same password on too many websites. Use strong password. Never use password of your personal email for signing up on any forum. Use different passwords for forum signup purposes.
  5. Online currency exchange is very risky. Avoid this.
Be safe!

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