We have to admit that the internet is so vast and filled with enormous information from almost all facets of life. This gives lesser chances for your website to get good number of traffics. Thus it is imperative if not suggestive to work out marketing by employing some traditional means. What follows below are my top ten effective tips for offline advertisement that would increase the traffics of your website.

1. Flyers: the most common form of print advertisement. This includes brochure, leaflets, posters and other printed promotional material. You can either float it on public places or post it on public bulletins. Vehicles are also good medium by pasting attractive and visible promotional posters and stickers on it. People get to learn about your business while the vehicle is in traffic or parked.

2. Business Card: its size could easily finds a space on one's wallet which gives a more lasting effect on advertisement. It could be keep and retrieve whenever need arises. How it is made also compels someone to some extent to keep it. 

3. Giveaways and Freebies: you must know what are the common and basic things usually used by a good number of people and have those things customized and printed with promotional labels such as your website, line of business and business motto. The most common promotional giveaways nowadays are bags, umbrella, pens, t-shirt, caps and many more.

4. DVD and VCD. Create a video of your business and let it play during trade fairs, shows and other business events. To some extent, it could also serve as a giveaways and freebies.

5. Informatials: you could also invest a little bit by purchasing commercial time slots on TV and cable network. Check the time slots and look for those on ?sale? meaning they are bargained so that the time slots could be filled. What you have in your DVD or VCD may serve as material for TV commercials. But if you wish to have another, then there is no problem with that provided that you have enough resources.

6. Newspapers: with minimal investment, you could boost your website traffic by having it printed on classified ads. 

7. Billboards: nowadays this particular mode of advertisement is already utilized by some internet business. Although this is a little bit expensive but effects are promising since they are strategically placed in public areas that would definitely draw attention.

8. Trade fair: join and participate any business events. You can set up a booth that will serve as information corner about your website.

9. Organization. Join associations that approximately close to your line of business. It would be a possible venue locate  partners who could  help you with your business.

10. Voicemail: it is also a good thing to market your business by including your website address on your voicemails.  This would attract and re-direct the caller to look on your website. In this case, you could still possibly market despite the missed call.

You may keep this list and try to incorporate it with your marketing methods. The idea is to exhaust all means we have, be it offline or online to achieve successful business. But as the common saying says that two heads are better than one, so an integration of offline strategies will definitely makes a difference in doing internet business.

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