How To Get The Most Out Of Banner Advertising

(Valuable Free $25 Banner Advertising Credit At The Bottom Of This Post!)

In all my 13 years of Internet Marketing experience, one
marketing technique above all the others is seriously miss-understood.

What is that method?

Banner Advertising!

Yes, your 468x60 banners are more powerful then you would
imagine - yet most marketer's fail to benefit from them.

One thing you have to understand about banners is, it's not
all about getting clicks thru to your site.
So most marketers
who see low click thru rates get discouraged and chalk it all
up to a waste of time - and they are so wrong!

There is another aspect that any marketer has to seriously consider,
and that is the power of BRANDING.

Banner's are a powerful way to brand your product and get the over and over again
brand exposure you need to eventually close your sale.

Don't miss the powerful benefits of banner marketing - when your affiliate
program offers banners to post
- do it and do it BIG TIME!

When you launch a new website - never forget to create some powerful and colorful
banners to promote your product.  No matter what niche!

The standard banner sizes are 468x60, but you will also see 125x125, 728x90
and 120x600. There are no hard and fast rule about banner sizes -
create as many as you can and blanket the Internet with them!

If you would like to give Banner Advertising a try, please claim your
$25 Banner advertising credit from Discount Advertising Warehouse.
With this free credit
get thousands of banner impressions!

Good luck with all your endeavours and here's to your success!

Terah Logan

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