?Lose this day loitering ? ?twill be the same story
To-morrow ? and the next more dilatory;
Each indecision brings its own delays,
And days are lost lamenting o?er lost days.
Are you in earnest? seize this very minute -
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.
Only engage, and then the mind grows heated -
Begin it, and then the work will be completed!?
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


Ever driven a car? Of course you have, but what makes it move?

You enter a car with a standard transmission, place it in neutral, and start the engine. It idles ? waiting for what? The engine is running, but you are going nowhere. What must be done to get to your destination?

Your vehicle is like your mind and body. Goethe says, ?Are you in earnest? . . . Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.? He questions whether you are in earnest . . . calls attention to the fact that there is genius, power and magic in boldness. It?s like your vehicle idling in neutral. It has the power to take you wherever you want to go . . . yet is goes nowhere ? until what happens?

?Only engage,? urges Goethe. The only thing keeping you from moving is your willingness to engage. Place the transmission in first gear, and what happens? You begin moving ? slowly at first. Moving the gearshift into 2nd, your movement speeds up. As it does, you are soon in 3rd, and well on the way to your destination.

Goethe speaks of achieving your objectives in life: ?Only engage, and then the mind grows heated . . . .? In other words, put your life in gear ? get started ? get moving! When you do . . . when your ?mind grows heated? . . . that which you desire to achieve will be attracted to you.

So ? what do you say? Are you in earnest?

Skype: Meghan.Riley83

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