How many things do you have stored on your computer that at the time sounded like the greatest thing since sliced bread?
WELL!!... I have a TON. I am sure if I got rid of some of "My Stuff" my computer would run a whole lot faster.
BUT... I am a pack rat. So for me to delete something it may cause a severe reaction like having a heart attack.
OK OK maybe not a heart attack but definitely a sever anxiety attack.
I know it is a sickness, I can't help it. I have a house just like my computer. PACKED FULL OF "MY STUFF"
Anyway, I have been taking inventory of "My Stuff" I am forgetting what I paid for it and am just focusing on how I could use what I already have.
And here is the key...I am NOT going to buy anything this WHOLE month.
NOTHING!!!! I am just going to utilize what I already have.
Gosh I am having withdrawals already and the month has just started.
I'll keep you posted on my progress.

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