I have registered to some some social media sites dedicated to Network and Internet Marketing.

In some cases, the whole point of these sites is to post as much as possible. Good content and info is irrelevant. The members are expected to get as many points as possible.

I have seen a lot of "Hi", "Keep on blomming", "thumbs up", "ok", "nice", "Yes ! I got 10 Useless Posting points". With people responding "Congrats on getting those UP points !"

Or, in other cases, on sites where it's required to do site surfing, again tons of "nice", "thumbs up", "ok", great splash page", "great ad". What do these people expect ? That we will put stars for comments such as those ? If you don't have anything to say, why do you fill the site with such useless comments ? Do you really get something out of that ?

Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I don't get how the game is played. But I can't find it in myself to do useless posts.

Sorry for the rant. Please do comment whether you agree or not.

Thanks !

Philippe Moisan

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