Slice thinly 3 potatoes, 3 carrots, 3 turnips, the undesirable parts
of 2 heads of celery, 2 stalks of parsley and 3 onions. Cook the
onions in a little butter until they turn a yellow brown, then add
the other ingredients. Season well with salt and black pepper, also a
pinch of red pepper. Put all together in a stew-pan, cover with three
quarts of water, stand on range and simmer about three hours. Strain
soup into stew-pan, place on range, and when hot add Marklose Balls.


Take marrow from uncooked beef soup bones, enough to fill 2
tablespoons, cut fine, add 2 eggs, 1 teaspoonful grated onion to
flavor, pepper and salt, stiffen with 1 cup of bread crumbs, shape
into balls size of marbles, drop into hot broth and cook uncovered
from 15 to 20 minutes.

Aunt Sarah purchased two good-sized soup bones containing considerable
meat. After extracting 2 tablespoonfuls of marrow from the uncooked
bones, she put the bones in a stew-pan with a couple of quarts of
water, a large onion, chopped fine, and a piece of celery, and cooked
for several hours, then skimmed off scum which arises on top of broth,
removed the soup bones and meat and added a couple of tablespoonfuls
of grated carrot, pepper and salt to taste, cooked a short time, and
then added the marrow balls, a little chopped parsley and a couple of
tablespoonfuls of boiled rice. Two tablespoonfuls of marrow will make
about 15 balls, with the addition of crumbs, eggs, etc.


Mash the yolks of 2 hard-boiled eggs fine and smooth with a little
soft butter. Beat the white of 1 egg, and add with about 2
tablespoonfuls of flour, salt and pepper. Mix all together. Use a
little flour to mold the mixture into balls the size of quite small
marbles. Do not make too stiff. Drop these into hot broth or soup and
cook about five minutes. This quantity will make 12 small balls.


Place about 3 pounds of cheap stewing beef in a cook-pot with
sufficient water and cook several hours, until meat is quite tender;
season with salt and pepper. About an hour before serving chop fine 3
medium-sized potatoes and 2 onions and cook in broth until tender. Ten
or fifteen minutes before serving add noodle.

To prepare noodles, break 2 fresh eggs in a bowl, fill 1/2 an egg
shell with cold water, add the eggs, and mix with flour as stiff as
can conveniently be handled. Add a little salt to flour. Divide dough
into sheets, roll on bake-board, spread on cloth a short time and let
dry, but not until too brittle to roll into long, narrow rolls. Cut
this with a sharp knife into thin, thread-like slices, unroll, drop as
many as wished into the stew-pan with the meat and cook about 10 or 15
minutes. Place the meat on a platter and serve the remainder in soup
plates. The remaining noodles (not cooked) may be unrolled and dried
and later cooked in boiling salted water, drained and placed in a dish
and browned butter, containing a few soft, browned crumbs, poured over
them when served. The very fine noodles are generally served with soup
and the broad or medium-sized ones served with brown butter Germans
usually serve with a dish of noodles, either stewed, dried prunes, or
stewed raisins. Both are palatable and healthful.

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