Clear Soup

Ingredients: Stock meat, water, a bunch of herbs (thyme, parsley,
chervil, bay leaf, basil, marjoram), three carrots, three turnips, three
onions, three cloves stuck in the onions, one blade of mace.

Cut up three pounds of stock meat small and put it in a stock pot with
two quarts of cold water, three carrots, and three turnips cut up, three
onions with a clove stuck in each one, a bunch of herbs and a blade of
mace. Let it come to the boil and then draw it off, at once skim off
all the scum, and keep it gently simmering, and occasionally add two
or three tablespoonsful of cold water. Let it simmer all day, and then
strain it through a fine cloth.

Some of the liquor in which a calf's head has been cooked, or even a
calf's foot, will greatly improve a clear soup.

The stock should never be allowed to boil as long as the meat and
vegetables are in the stock pot.

Zuppa Primaverile (Spring Soup)

Ingredients: Clear soup, vegetables.

Any fresh spring vegetables will do for this soup, but they must all be
cooked separately and put into the soup at the last minute. It is best
made with fresh peas, asparagus tips, and a few strips of tarragon.

Soup alla Lombarda

Ingredients: Clear soup, fowl forcemeat, Bechamel, peas, lobster
butter, eggs, asparagus.

Make a firm forcemeat of fowl and divide it into three parts, to the
first add two spoonsful of cream Bechamel, to the second four spoonsful
of puree of green peas, to the third two spoonsful of lobster butter and
the yolk of an egg; thus you will have the Italian colours, red, white,
and green. Butter a pie dish and make little quenelles of the forcemeat.
Just before serving boil them for four minutes in boiling stock, take
them out carefully and put them in a warm soup tureen with two spoonsful
of cooked green peas and pour a very fresh clear soup over them. Hand
little croutons fried in lobster butter separately.

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