Many of us can't think about commencing the day without a hot a cup of tea. It refreshes the person and livens the senses to the maximum possible level. It is not said without reason that tea has plethora of health benefits. Lets throw some light on the advantages that drinking tea has in store for you.

Drinking tea serves a dual purpose of a stimulant and a soother. It helps prompt a relaxed and calm effect on the whole body including the mind. One important ingredient of tea is L-theanine amino acid. This substance can simply pep you up. This is because it can assist in creating a sense of positivity and a sense of contentment in the whole body especially the central nervous system. It's advantages extend much beyond the sense of euphoria. It aids in curbing the dangerous effect of the caffeine present in the body. It's critical to make note of the fact that it is the herbal tea alone which offers the maximum benefit.

Yet another virtue of drinking tea is that it helps rinse out the harmful bacteria that could be sticking to your abdominal tract. It destroys the H Pyloi bacteria which is accountable for causing ulcers in the stomach. Several researches and studies make it clear that drinking tea on a regular basis not just helps destroy the harmful bacteria but also replaces it with the good and the healthy bacteria. However, one needs to be careful of the amount of tea they drink.

Tea is also known to have sickness fighting capacity. It can help combat numerous diseases such as hypertension, dental decay, Alzheimer, leukemia and such like. Tea is accepted to lift the immunological system and enhance the body"��s natural capacity to fight various diseases. Also, drinking tea can help keep various cardiovascular illnesses in control. It wards off homocysteine, which is accepted to be one of the primary causes of cardiovascular diseases.

Tea is an excellent source of antioxidants. Human body has various free radicals which have to be kept in order. Tea is especially effective at cleaning away these free radicals from human body. Further, the antioxidants bring a glow to your skin and also help hide the different signs of aging. Correct consumption of tea keeps you active and attractive.

There are several teas that will help you shed weight too. Oolong tea and green tea are the 2 teas that work best for weight reduction. These herbal teas boost the metabolism. As a result, you end up burning more calories than the usual. This can help you lose weight. Black tea is also known to have heavy benefits for weight loss.

If you think the list of the list of the advantages has come to complete, you need to make space for some additional information in your data bank. Some less known benefits of drinking tea is that it stabilises the cholesterol levels, and normalizes the glucose levels. In addition it also minimizes the likelihood of cancer, besides making the tooth enamel strong. So if you do not miss any of these health benefits, it is in your interest to savor a cup of tea on daily basis.

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