Most parents can agree that playpens for babies are one of the most crucial pieces of baby furniture you can have, based on their sheer convenience. In addition to the convenience, they allow a safe environment for your baby to sit, play, or even sleep, all while you can leave the room to answer that phone call or check on dinner. But with all the different playpens for babies on the market today, it can be a little tricky to find one that will work for you and your baby.

Before you set out on the hunt for the perfect playpen, you should be aware of some of the great features of many modern playpens for babies.

- Many fold up and can be fit into a lightweight, portable carrying case, making transport from home to the babysitter's or wherever you need it extremely easy.

- Wheels are another crucial feature that many playpens for babies have. Wheels are advantageous because you can move the playpen from room-to-room without having to lift and move it.

- There are quite a few models of playpens for babies that feature a built-in bassinet, which is ideal if you have a newborn. Many of the included bassinets can be used until the baby is 10 to 15 pounds and can be easily removed when they outgrow it.

- Some of the more high-end playpens also feature a removable changing table that you can easily place on top, for an easy place to handle a diaper situation without having to leave the room.

- If you plan on bringing your baby outdoors for a little fresh air, many playpens for babies come with sun-protecting canopies. This is a great feature you should look for in a playpen if you are outdoors a lot, and are concerned with your baby overheating or getting sunburned.

- As you're probably already aware, safety is a huge issue when shopping for the right playpens for babies. While trying to find the right crib, make sure it has the Juvenille Products Manufacturing Association, the Consumer Products Safety Commission, or the American Society for Testing and Materials logo. These organizations work together in developing safety standards for playpens for babies and other baby products.

You should also be aware of some important safety tips once you've purchased your playpen.

- Remember that although it's convenient to have an area for your baby to be safely contained, you should never leave them unattended in a playpen.

- Playpens for babies should have padding on the top corner and rails to ensure no accidents happy to your little one.

- Don't ever put objects in your playpens for babies that can allow them a way to climb out.

- Never leave sheets or loose bedding in playpens for babies, as it heightens the risk for your baby to get caught and smother.

In closing, you should always send in your product registration card. This is the way a manufacturer can contact you if there is ever a recall. Best of luck with your purchase and remember that when choosing playpens for babies, consider what features work best for you and your baby's lifestyle.

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