In my last post I talked about saving baby rheas.
I am sorry that my post was so upsetting to many of you.

  In trying to help the many sick and the injured, and the critters that no
one wants or has time for.  I have been able to put up a barrier to help me do what I feel I need to do.

When I started  caring for injured critters I would be sick for days when I lost one. Now I just have a different mind set.
I do everything I can to save them all, to the very best of my ability and
my knowledge. But I now know that no matter how hard I try I just can't
save them all. But it would never be from lack of trying.

I picked up 2 more baby rheas since my last post, they were limping badly
just as the others two I had picked up.
After discussing my plan of action with my friend Betty, I set myself up to
think that these babies would die just like the last two.
I must do something different.

I got out my Mexican drug bag the I go every year to restock. I purchase
RX to help all my sick and injured critters.
I put these babies on antibiotics.
How much?  Who Knew.
I did my best guess.
These babies would die if I did not try everything.

My two wee ones could hardly move. They each had a leg that was so
very lame.

After almost a week of force feeding and giving antibiotic 2 times a day
I think they are doing great!

They are limping around peeking for food in their dish and on the ground. And they
know how to drink water.
I am thrilled!
I put mulberries in their pen and they scramble to get to them.
Their recovery is coming along nicely.
Will they get rid of their limp?
Do I care?
The breeder will not want them back if they are not perfect.
So I just may get to raise 2 baby rheas and keep them runny loose in my backyard.

Being that they are responding to antibiotic tells me that it is some type of a virus.
If this sounds like I have done this before, it is because I have. About 10 years ago
it was the same thing. I pulled the last 2 baby rheas out of the field before they died.
I gave them shots in the morning and in the evening. Force feed them for weeks, always
massaging their food down their long necks because they were to weak to do it themselves.
I loved every minute of it because I could see the progress that Ebony and Ivory were
achieving everyday.

Maybe I will have to keep these as well.
It doesn't matter, I will do everything in my power
to keep them alive and have them grow up with the least limp as possible.

We are all Gods creatures.
Some are just more perfect than others.



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