The naked devious truth behind all this is
simple, and it’s something you should
consider about this:


I’ve got an autoresponder. Once I signed up
for it and used it I never missed a payment.

I’ve got a teleseminar bridge line. Once I
signed up for and used it I never missed a

I’ve had my web audio service for the last 4
years and use it in all I do, and happily pay
for it.

I wouldn’t go a day without my ad tracking

In the end, no matter what your business is
online . . .

These are simply services you MUST have to
run a business online

Think about a business based on services
every web entrepreneur needs and uses on a
daily basis.

Think about the biggest problem you face in
growing your organization - retention.

Now what if there was business based around
the things one MUST inherently have and use
to run their online business.

How long would they stay as happy paying

If you asked me, I’m sticking around a long
long time. That means you’re going to be
getting commissions from me for a long long

The naked devious truth about this is this
business is if you keep people around
and happy using something they need - that
retention issue goes out the window.

Think about that as you look at this:

About the Company: Melanie Milletics is a successful internet marketer and webmaster of who provides information and tools for those who strive to have a successful home based business.

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