Seaaloe, working from home, internet income, Cathy Romine, Huntsville Alabama making money with my home business opportunities

I want to show you something...Will you look?
Click on that website your promoting. Click on the top of your
computer the VIEW Button - Click on Page Source

For one thing google only picks up Title and Description,
not keywords although aol, msn, yahoo etc still pick up
keywords, so they have their importance.

Do you have an optimized website? What
I'm going to show you is your very own, even though
its an affiliate program where you can earn a boat load
of money - Read this and you'll change everything you
do on the internet. I'm furnishing proof on the only
program I know of on the internet that actually helps
people build themselves and earn money at the same time.

Ok If you havent done so, bring up what you promote,
yes, click on your own link...
On the top of the page click on View - then click on page
source - see the html code? At the top - Google picks
up Title and description - Where are you there?
Is your name or your business or any major words in
the description of what you are building?
More than likely your a number and not listed, your building
that company -You can blog yourself to death, you'll get NOWHERE!

I build my business not the company store as I use to do
and what your probably still doing!


Do the same thing on this affiliate page -

Click on View once you bring that up -
Click on Page Source - Who do you see in the
title and description in all those words? Yeap
you see Cathy Romine and tons of words in the
description Promoting Cathy Romine...

NOW - Details...

Join FREE, you get ONE optimized website that promotes
YOUR business in google building YOU - You Pay the $99
Enrollment FEE You GET TWO...You will not get this
kind of optimized website anywhere on the internet for
that ridiculous cost...Place a few blogs etc weekly - you'll
start getting noticed in search engines.

Heres more Proof...

Put myseoshop in your browser doing a google search -
you will even see my affiliate page tied to me picked up
in the search engines - its still me and my other business...

If you clicked on that link above and looked at the
website it brought you to - you see Cathys Home
Business Networking on mySEOshop Affiliate Page?

So in conclusion:

Even with myseoshop yes its an affiliate page, but Its in
searches as me - put myseoshop in your browser - anywhere you
see a 2.seo its my site - I'm promoting a product but thats my affiliate
page, Mark doesn't steal from us. My husband - Look at his
page - same thing - SEE The Company in the code that I'm
building for promoting myseoshop?

You know I worked my butt off for years - got tired building everyone else-
Downline Drop outs - Monthly Payments and never getting anywhere long term...

Who is Cathy Romine? Heres just a couple and mySEOshop is
in pre-launch - look at what an optimized website can do for you...

alabama internet income
Seaaloe Alabama
sea aloe
making money in Alabama
Working from home in Alabama
internet income alabama
home business networking (3rd page, hey, theres 25 million of them
give me time, lol)
internet income (Give me time, I have stuff on 2nd, 3rd and 4th page,
Watch for me there)

No Telling where all I'm linked on first page searches!

Now if you don't at least join - for FREE
your CRAZY! This is FREE Advertising and Valuable recripocal links
for your other business. You pay the $99 you not only make $50 per
affilate upgrade of anyone you sponsor insted of the $25, you
can earn 30% of the sales from packages on website optimization
etc that you sale from this OPTIMIZED website you also get

Don't sign up at the .com site - that is what were selling on top of
the affiliate page - You must first join here

You've been given the truth and the proof in front of you -
What you going to do with it? Not everyone on the
internet will lie to you...My name is Cathy Romine,
Athens Alabama, I'm a mother - Grandmother, have my
horses and dogs and I'm getting rich on the net and trying
to teach people the right way to make money at home...
Don't make this hard - its EASY - We Will Help!

Whether you listen or not is totally up to you...

You love what your doing? Good - but this optimized website
will put it in overdrive - Remember - you tie in your other business
if thats what you want to do!

Go Here And Succeed!

Cathy Romine

My other main optimized website

P.S. We are looking for huge teams who see this as
the best thing to ever hit the net to help us spread
the word - If your interested - Let me get you in
touch with Mark - We have a gold mine in todays
bad economy...Let's all make some money - We sell
what everyone needs even if they don't understand it -

Optimized websites where people can succeed in any business
they do...and an affiliate program to make money while building
your name and your other company!

See you there - Tell Mark, Cathy sent you!

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