Adding ThemTo Your Autoresponder



Everyone like it when people remember their names.  Ever walked into a room and been addressed by your name?  This has probably happened to you many times and how did that make you feel? 

You say to yourself, this person knows your name, and uses it.  He remembers you, and he wants you to know that he cared enough about you and your business to remember you.  In the offline world, this is just one aspect of customer support.

It is the same with Internet Marketing.  There are millions of people on the Internet and they too want to feel important and remembered.  If you start out doing this it will give great rewards down the road.


It is very difficult to give good customer service to people on the Internet.  If you use common sense some semblance of it can exist when you personalize your autoresponder messages. 

Your autoresponder messages can be set up to address people by their first or last name or both.  In fact, you can put quite a bit of personalized information there depending on the type of autoresponder that you are using.

You put information in the autoresponder's messages by using codes.  Each autoresponder will use different codes to insert the information in your messages.  Simply write your message, and put the codes where you want the personalized information to appear.  For instance, your message may start out with ‘Hello (code for first name)! In this case, the person’s first name will be inserted where that code is.

Personalizing your autoresponder messages will most likely improve your response rate.  Research has shown that emails that are personalized with the person’s first name are opened more often, and those people are generally more receptive to the contents of the email message.  

 It is usually very easy to do.  You write one message, using the codes where you want the personalization, then, no matter who that one email is sent out to, their personal information will appear where the codes are.

Autoresponder must collect the information first.  This is done with the use of opin forms that activate the autoresponder.  For instance, if you are giving away a free eBook, and you have your visitors fill out an opin form with their email address to receive the download instructions for the eBook by email. 

That opin form should collect all type of information that you want for personalization – such as a first name, as well as the email address, etc.




Remember if that information is not collected, your autoresponder won’t have anything to insert where that code appears in your messages!

Your autoresponder has a control panel.  Get familiar with it.  Spend some time looking around the control panel and find out what type of personalization you can add to your autoresponder messages.  You may be very surprised at the improved results!

Go with proven tools for your business.  Get-Responce and Aweber should be your choice.  Either one will serve you well for years to come.  I use and recommend Aweber because of the simplicity of use.  They also have an intensive training program.  Plus it is under $180.00 a year.

If you decide to purchase the Aweber Autoresponder I would suggest that you join their Affiliate Program.  The reason is this.  Promoting Aweber gives you residual income from the people that purchase from your link. 

This goes on year after year as long as they stay with Aweber.  That's about $38.00 from each person.  This adds up over time.

If you are interested in an autoresponder then by all means go to the link provide below and sign up.  There is even a test drive of the system there if you required it.

Look for more articles on Autoresponders from Chuck's Corner Calls.

Thank you,

Chuck Madere


































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