1Club.FM : Disco (Studio54) Channel
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 I was just informed by Ezine Articles that my 1st and only submission to their site has been reviewed and accepted, and that I have been awarded the title of Expert Author at the same time... I am thrilled because I had only signed on to Ezine Articles just last week, and I haven't even had the time to complete my profile, yet! LOL! :)

 They recommend that new writers submit at least 10 items to start, and I was just beginning to do research for the second article when I recieved the news... Wow! :)

 Please excuse my excitement, but I have always felt that my writing style was a bit too "Human" for Ezine Articles, and there are some really excellent top-of- the scale writers over there...

 To recieve the title of Expert Author on the first try, first article... simply knocks my socks off! :)

 Oh happy, happy day! :)

 Here's a link to my article-- and please forgive me, but as I have mentioned, my profile is not yet completed. I'll get to work on it ASAP...


 I want to warmly thank SAN, whose blog here at Apsense:


 ....gave me the idea and Inspiration to try and write something for Ezine Articles, she was also given the title of Expert Author for her great work... Good going, San! :)

As Featured On Ezine Articles

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