A while ago, I was asked for some pictures of my garden, but at the time,
I'd mislaid my battery charger for the camera batteries.  Well, now I've found
it, the batteries are all charged up, and you're all going to suffer through
my snapshots!

This is my backgarden, with the fruit trees taking over.     Yes, I know the
grass is in bad shape, but hey, we're in a drought here, and can't water lawns.
The long black hose is the overflow from my water tank to the trees.


Part of the front garden.   The rocks are supposed to be around a dry creek bed, and
believe me, it's very dry just now.    I dug it because originally drainage was bad, and
the water just sat in pools - oh the good old days!   :-)

The goldfish pond, around which most of the little plants have died.    The fish wouldn't
oblige by coming to the surface today.

This bit was constructed to rescue the cacti and succulents from the chickens in the back.
It filled up an unused very dry, hot place, and is a bit out of place, but we like it.

Another view of the front garden, which is all native in this section.

Facing towards the side of the house, and the trees in the background aren't natives -
most of them were there when I bought the place, so I left them.    They hide the side
fence very well.
The pink flowered tree and the eucalypt are only young, and will soon be several
metres tall.

OK, now that wasn't so bad, was it?    Only a few, but I like to share these things -  I
love my garden, enjoy being out there getting my hands dirty.

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