The sight?     Well, me, actually, standing out in the rain, watering my garden!

As you know, we're in a drought here in Australia.    In Melbourne, we're only
permitted to water between 6am - 8am two days a week, the days depending
on what your street number is.

This morning I got up early to get my garden dampened down, as we're in for
some 30C + temperatures this week.

While I was watering the front garden, it started to rain, but kept going anyway,
as it was only a short shower, which doesn't even keep the dust down!     The rain
soon stopped.

Moved out to the back garden, and proceeded to water that as well.    Here's where
the really stupid bit happened:

It's raining a bit harder now, a huge thunderclap is rolling around me, and I'm
standing under a tree, hose in hand, watering the veggie patch!

How stupid can you get?   Wet, under a tree, in a thunderstorm, hose in hand
........ sometimes I doubt my sanity!

The rain really wasn't enough to do more than make the top 1 mm of soil damp,
so the watering needed to be done.   At least I'm saving a little money on veggies,
as the beans and peas are fruiting nicely, and other plants are growing well.



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