People claim all the time that they are experts in the field of internet marketing.

First of all, there is no such thing. The internet changes millions of times a day. New sites are born, old ones are taken down and replaced, sites are being updated, sites are being moved, and so on.

The internet marketing platform is an ever changing medium that never stays the same. Yes there are ways of marketing your products and sites that will never change. But, the way they are presented does.

New methods of advertising are being thought of almost daily. People do not realize that thinks change constantly on the internet.

Google for example changes their site every holiday to match the holiday. It's those little things that get people attention as well as the other marketing methods implemented by Google and A LOT of other major sites.

You could THINK you know everything there is to know about advertising on the internet. But, what you fail to realize is, as your sitting there thinking "Yeah I do know everything there is to know" another method of advertising has just been created.

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