I could write a big tutorial about safelists but I
will keep it as simple and short for here.

The safelists came on the scene approx 10 years ago
after yahoo,topica and other groups that where around
basically stopped people from mailing to their groups
in bulk and they changed their terms.

I had a system in place where I could mail to all of
my groups at once. They where highly effective.

Not long after the mailings stopped to the groups the
safelists started to pop up. There where a few smart
people that started the safelists around that time and
have made and still make a good living from them.

The safelists of today are not as responsive as they
where 5 years ago but they are still are worth using
if you know how to use them.

They are also popular because most of them are free to
join and use. They are a good way for people starting
out that do not have a lot of money.

The secret is simply to join as many as you can
and find a way to to mail to them quickly as not
many people have a lot of time to spend on the net.

There are different forms of safelists but mainly two

1)...Your traditional one where you join and send
your ads and receive ads. Some allow daily sends
and others put a time frame of 3,5,7 days etc to the
whole membership.

2)..The second type is all of the above ( # 1 )
but you have to accumulate points. Usually 1 point
means you can send to 1 person in the membership.

You will need what are called a throw away e-mail
address. The best one to use is gmail ( free ) but there
are many other free and many good paid ones out there.

You will need to make sure you delete the ads on
a daily basis so your e-mails don't bounce.
If you don't then the safelist owners may suspend your
account and you won't be able to send your ads.

If you need a gmail account just message me and I will
help you out.

Since you need to join a lot of safelists for them to
be successful,you will get a lot of e-mails.

Some people say that all people do is delete all
the ads from the other members of the safelists
and nobody sees any ads. This is partly true
but I still get signups to my various programs.
I used the safelists to help build my network
at Apsense and in approx 1 week I got about 30 signups
so to me they work.You just need to work them.

I personally look at the ads from time to time
looking for certain stuff or just to see what is out
there so I guess a lot of other people are doing the
same thing. Also there are a lot of people who are new
to the safelists and don't realize what they are doing
and so on.

What I found years ago is that you are basically
competing with thousands of other marketers to get you
ad read so I had to think of a way to make my ad stand
out from the crowd in amongst all the e-mails.

When you open up your e-mail account to read or delete
the ads you see this....


Where x is the subject headings of the ads.

Now see what happens.....


As you can see the 5th ad down is more noticeable.
All I do is use the underscore key a few times
before I start to write my subject heading.

There are many more ways to make your subject heading
stand out but I am keeping this post as short as I can.
If you want more ways just message me.

If you want your ad to be read you need to make it
stand out....simple.

If you need further assistance or you have a question
just message me and I will be happy to help.

Here are some good links to safelists.



Just click on " clients ".

Safelist Builder:


Just click on " Directory of Safelists ".

Here are the best points based safelists.

Safelister 22,000+ members:


GOT Safelist 15,000+ members:


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