Email-Hog is a very active safelist.

The owner, Marty Petrizza, she looks like she's taking things seriously. In an email she sent today, she wrote this about people who leave safelists or are simply not active:

I notice that some come in and some leave quickly.
This is I believe the fact that you do not know how to deal with the mails.
You are really missing one of the top ways to win on online by running from mailers!
It is a simple fix.
Please visit this page if you have gmail or search for how to make a folder on your mailserver.

Follow these easy directions and you will see it is very easy to deal with mailing sites. Filtering the mails is the answer!
There are so many great sites out there that you need to belong to and you need to learn how to do this so without stressing how you will deal with all the mails.
The TopTen sites list are ones you should belong to if you want to see success in your marketing endeavors.
You simply can't just advertise on one site and you simply must use mails also!
The competition is fierce but you can do it!
I always get more sign ups from mails then other types of advertising so don't let these mails scare you off.

I joined Email-Hog 3 days ago. Since then, I noticed I receive about as many emails from members as from popular safelists like and In my opinion, this is a good sign, it means that many members write emails and so get clicks when they do.

Here's a video I made showing some very nice features, among those the one feature that got my attention, the Top Ten page, where they show us the best safelists according to their own marketing results, since Marty Petrizza says you can't use just one safelist anyway.

You can join Email-Hog by clicking here.

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