Social Networking That PAYS YOU$$ Forever
If you see first time, you will say -another copycat of Myspace, Yes it is true it is copycat of myspace, But it has potential to become more popular than Myspace. I will show you how. Each page view by others, related to you, at, will give you opportunity to get money, it is small amount but this will motivate people to work something good to attract people, this will cause more useful stuff

Myspace now days are full of spammers and fake profiles, but it is not the case with Yuwie because people will try to do good and relevant work at which will increase his or her page view. More competition, better result. Details of pages view in real time. Nothing is hidden there

Other advantage is, unlike Facebook or Orkut there is no need to login first to see anything at Yuwie. All work at Yuwie is available for Google search; more people will come through Google search if there is relevant stuff at Yuwie

So don’t be bother about quantity, you should see quality and genuine work. All tools of Myspace are available at Yuwie. Yuwie layout is same as myspace layout, why not you should join it.

It has a great referral program, amazingly of 10 stages. I.e. even if you refer 3 people your network will be of thousand (Only if you join it at early stage). Even if don’t refer any one, you can earn money if someone will see your profile and other great stuff. Less possibility of spam, because you can only open account by referring link.

Get PAID to ADD Friends & page views! !

Myspace has been growing very fast the past few years, with that there is a new site, Yuwie. Yuwie is growing faster than myspace did when they first started. I like to call it "Myspace, but Upgraded." I could go on and on with all the differences between the 2 but I will let you make that decision. Feel free to repost this to let all of your friends know that in the future they will probably have a Yuwie account. Take advantage now to get on the Yuwie site and start early. During August there was 35373 new accounts created to Yuwie. In the end of July there were only 4928 accounts, so the growth was incredible 817%.
Get PAID to ADD Friends & page views! !

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