
Can you concentrate on other things when you are listening to music?

Asked by Nita Sharma, in Others

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Richard Mize Freshman  Food Delivery
yes I can concentrate on other things when I am listening to music.
May 19th 2020 01:54   
Guillermo V. Professional   Musician
Can you concentrate on other things when you are listening to music? Yes I can
May 19th 2020 09:00   
Vuthanh Kong Advanced  vtkong
Many of us listen to music while we work, thinking that it will help us to concentrate on the task at hand. And in fact, recent research has found that music can have beneficial effects on creativity. When it comes to other areas of performance, however, the impact of background music is more complicated. The assumption that listening to music when working is beneficial to output likely has its roots in the so-called “Mozart effect”, which gained wide media attention in the early 1990s. Put simply, this is the finding that spatial rotation performance (mentally rotating a 3D dimensional shape to determine whether it matches another or not) is increased immediately after listening to the music of Mozart, compared to relaxation instructions or no sound at all. Such was the attention that this finding garnered that the then US governor of Georgia, Zell Miller, proposed giving free cassettes or CDs of Mozart’s music to prospective parents. Subsequent studies have cast doubt on the necessity of the music of Mozart to produce this effect – a “Schubert effect”, a “Blur effect”, and even a “Stephen King effect” (his audiobook rather than his singing) have all been observed. In addition, musicians could show the effect purely from imagining the music rather than actually listening to it.
May 19th 2020 23:55   
Ashish Choubey Advanced   Marketing
Yes, if there are no lyrics. I can do stuff with my hands.
May 20th 2020 00:35   
Claire Smith Professional   Digital Marketer | Web Designer
yes I can concentrate on other things when I am listening to music.
May 20th 2020 04:51   
Steve Hale Freshman  SEO
yes, music keeps my mind relaxed while working on some thing. it helps me focus but the condition is that music should be in low volume and also i prefer listening to trance and edm while working.
May 20th 2020 04:58   
Pat Abbaticchio Junior  Editor
Yes, I can concentrate on other things when I am listening to music.
May 20th 2020 08:33   
Amrole Lee Freshman  Hifactory manager
Of course, he can better improve my work efficiency
May 21st 2020 01:43   
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