Wealth Creations Network for You

About Wealth Creations Network for You

Refer a new WCN member who verifies their email and phone number and becomes a free member. Anytime you refer one or more free members in a given day your activity status changes from incomplete to complete.

Rewards and Benefits
Your referrals can generate a continual flow of income for you without anyone ever spending a single red cent out of their pockets.
You earn a $10.00 offer completion bonus when your free referrals become WCN affiliates
You receive a one-time $75 bonus when any six of your referrals earn at least 5000 talents
You receive a continual $75 bonus for every six referrals (after your first six affiliates) become affiliate members and earn/purchase the basic or complete Zero-to-Wealth Autoresponder
(Coming Soon) - Earn advertising credits each day you accomplish this task


All members (guest, free, affiliate) may earn credits and talents. Only affiliate members can receive compensation, rewards, and benefits and/or trade talents/credits with other members.

Your free member status changes to an affiliate membership when you earn 9500 talents in the "Affiliate Bonuses" area.