Internet Marketing Training Made Over – Watch This Video

PDIMI, the short name for Personal Development Internet Marketing Institute is a concept that was started in 2009 and is long overdue.

There are many great internet marketing training companies out there and sometimes I think I have been with all of them. The problem is that in order to succeed online there are many things that need to happen first.

Not to mention that personal development is needed. Too many people come onto the internet and think it is a get rich quick scheme because of all the hype that the so called “guru’s” muster up. People quit and I don’t blame them a bit.

Internet marketing training must be organized and individualized for each person. Think about it. I have been to great training webinars and came away very excited about what I had learned. One time in particular I had invited a new person to one and it was so far over her head she walked away and hasn’t been back since.

Training must be in a step 1, step 2 fashion and each and every person trying their hand needs to start at a different level.

There should be internet marketing for beginners. Then for intermediate to semi-advanced. And then advanced to super advanced.

It doesn’t matter who we are, there is so much to learn that no one person can know everything. What I know you may not like and if you don’t like it then how can you teach it? And vice-versa.

Professor Charles King is a Harvard Graduate, and teaches Marketing at the University Of Illinois. He once said to a student that he knew enough about network marketing to know that he didn’t want to know anymore, and when the student challenged that, he decided to get educated on the facts. The facts were so great, that he has now become a spokesperson for network marketing, and speaks all around the world on the subject. He is considered to be the foremost authority on the subject.

There are also hundreds of niche markets online and hundreds of “sub niche’s” inside of each niche.

People must spend time finding the right people to work with. 1st they must like their trainers somewhat. Then they must also like what their trainers are teaching.

From this very spot a brand new person will be able to come online, find people they like to work with and then find something they like to do.

People are not “cookie cutter” in the way they feel and think about life and love so internet marketing training shouldn’t be set up that way either.

Welcome to the gateway to your future.

John Jarvis
Michael Camire